In the case of Thailand, the opening of an offshore banking center for foreign banks, intended to increase capital inflow, proved far too successful. 在泰国的例子中,原本旨在增加资本流入的外资银行的离岸银行中心简直太成功了。
Since foreign investors are no longer buying significant amounts of US stocks or direct investments in US businesses, the vast bulk of that capital inflow must take the form of purchases of US bonds. 由于外国投资者不再大量买进美国股票或直接投资美国企业,大部分资本流入必须以购买美国债券的形式来实现。
Foreign Capital Inflow and Agriculture Safety in China 外国资本流入与我国农业安全&基于价格传导机制的分析
The phenomenon is particularly striking in the US, where there was a$ 109bn exodus of foreign capital in the last three quarters of last year, against a$ 774bn inflow in the previous nine months. 美国的现象尤为突出:在去年后三个季度,外国资本净流出1090亿美元,而之前的9个月则是净流入7740亿美元。
Foreign firms are bringing in more capital than they need for investment: the net inflow of FDI is60% higher than a year ago, yet the actual use of this money for fixed investment has fallen by6%. 外国公司带来比他们实际需要更多的资金:今年的FDI净流入比一年以前要高60%,而这些钱中实际用于固定资产投资的比去年降低6%。
Doubts about the "great policy" arose, which argued that the "two-gap" was no longer existent and "Chinese paradox" happened due to abundant domestic fluid combining with large foreign capital inflow. 随即有声音以“两缺口不复存在”质疑中国的引资策略,提出内资不缺,外资大量涌入的“中国式悖论”,引发了学界众多的思考。
The fair has played an important role in publicizing china's policies on foreign investment attraction, promoting foreign capital inflow and guiding Chinese companies to make overseas investment. 投资贸易洽谈会在宣传中国利用外资政策,促进外商来华投资,引导中国企业到海外投资等方面发挥了重要作用。
Especially after China's accession to the WTO, the foreign capital inflow to China will increase dramatically. 尤其是我国加入WTO后,进入我国的外资可望有新的突破,就外商直接投资对出口商品结构的影响进行分析,无疑具有较强的理论价值和现实意义。
FDI ( foreign direct investment) is playing a more and more important role in Chinese domestic capital inflow during the recent 10 years. 最近10多年来FDI(ForeignDirectinvestment,外国直接投资)在中国的资本流入中扮演着越来越突出的角色。
The currency supply mechanism, the finance system change and foreign capital inflow play a key role in the course of this process. 在这个过程中,货币供给机制、金融制度变迁和外国资本流入起着关键性的作用。
A Study on the Impact of Foreign Capital inflow on China's Economy 外资引入对我国经济发展的作用研究
Foreign Capital Inflow and Russian Economic Transition 外资流入对俄罗斯经济转轨的影响
International Experience in Managing Foreign Capital Inflow to Real Estate Market and Its Implication for China 管理外资流入房地产的国际经验及对中国的启示
Shenyang, whose traditional advantage lies in the equipment manufacturing sector, is the heavy industry center of China, with the fast development of its economy recent years, Shenyang has obtained a great deal of foreign capital inflow. 沈阳市是中国的重工业基地,装备制造业又是沈阳的传统优势产业。近年来,随着沈阳市经济的高速增长和投资环境的改善,吸引了越来越多的外资。
The First Chapter studies foreign capital inflow bringing into the financial risk in the developing countries and looking into the reasons behind the problem. 全文共由三大部分组成,简要内容分别如下:第一部分论述国际资本流入发展中国家所导致的金融风险,并探求金融风险存在的原因,以及危机发生国在风险控制中存在的问题,总结经验教训。
Compulsory buying and selling FX, unreasonable-designed foreign exchange market and large-scale utilizing foreign investment bring about massive foreign capital inflow and rapid increase in FX which make our monetary policy encounter dilemma. 强制性结售汇制度、外汇市场设计的不合理以及大规模利用外资政策引起的外资大量流入、外汇储备超常增加导致我国货币政策经常面临严重困境。
The foreign capital already becomes the great important part of China economy, the FDI inflow increase the Chinese economy opening degree, promotes the Chinese economic growth. 外商投资已经成为中国经济中最富活力的组成部分,FDI的流入增加了中国经济的开放程度,促进了中国经济增长。
Based on the existing studies, this paper sets up the empirical model for the effect of foreign capital inflow on the wage in domestic enterprises in the host country. 本文在梳理现有研究的基础上,构建了外资流入对东道国内资企业工资影响的理论模型。
Associated with the accelerated pace of reform and opening in China, the scales of three types of foreign capital inflow are rapidly expanding. 这三种类型的外资流入规模伴随着我国改革开放步伐的加快都在迅速扩大。
Great progress in rise of investment and increasing scale of foreign capital inflow makes FDI increasingly important for economic development in Qingdao, yet no one has conducted systematic research on how technical spillover effects of FDI are in Qingdao. 招商引资工作取得很大进展,吸引外资规模不断上升,FDI对青岛经济发展的重要性日益凸显。然而关于FDI在青岛市的技术溢出效应情况究竟怎样,还没有人进行系统的研究。